May 2014 Loot

Loot-ity loot loot root-ity toot toot~ It’s loot time!
This month’s loot has not a single figma, but that doesn’t mean there is not plastic goodness to be had. Instead, we have a type of figure that I purchase very rarely along with another Re-ment goody. And at the end, I have a little sneak peek to share!

Here’s everything:

loot 1
GEM Morgiana by Megahouse and Re-ment Rilakkuma Cafe set.

loot 2
Morgiana is my first Megahouse figure, and I am thankfully not disappointed. She may lack some of the high end details from other companies, but she has a lower price to match. I’ll be giving my full opinion of Mor in a review!

loot 6
She also comes with a mini first release bonus key chain!

loot 3
Next is another set from Re-ment. My first item from them was the Rilakkuma kotatsu which I was happy to see for retail since the original kotatsu set has since risen in price. Price played a role in this purchase as well. Re-ment is probably best known for their adorable food, but what I dislike is that amiami only sells the food by the set. 3000 yen for several packs of well made tiny food really isn’t bad, but I just can’t get over paying over $30 for tiny food. One of these days, I’ll bite the bullet and buy a box (ok, I say that every time), but until then, no Re-ment food for me.

Returning to this set, it is adorable and very easy to assemble. You just pop the legs in and get two Rilakkuma chairs and a table. Everything is well made and adds a cute touch to any scene.

loot 5
The table even has wood grain!

loot 4
Tamaki and Kagura are definitely enjoying their newest acquisition which is perfectly sized for 1/6 dolls. The set is definitely over sized for figmas and is still big for nendoroids(although they are a slightly better fit), so I recommend them most for 1/6 scale dolls.
The only down side is that the cute bear faces cannot be seen while dolls are sitting in them.

That marks the end of my loot, but we do still have that extra thing to look at. And what is this extra thing?
Oh, just a sneak peek at the end of Project Dollfie Dream!
The head is on its way to me, but the face up artist said it was ok to use one of her pictures of the faceup for a little teaser.
face peek
*Rolls on floor* Oh the excitement!

10 thoughts on “May 2014 Loot

  1. Fourth time trying. If this doesn’t work now I’m giving up ^^;;
    Sorry for the spam but my message seems to get cut off ^^;; So I’m trying to post as new post instead of a reply. Just delete the other ones if this works ^^;;
    Ummm…. why did my message get shortened ^^;;;
    I really love her and Magi~ That show was just my cup of tea. So I really hope I’ll be able to get the Magi figures.

    I love Re-ment. Most of the stuff I have is Rilakkuma. With a little bit of Hello Kitty and a Doraemon set I got yesterday. So far I like the Rilakkuma sets the best. The case is amazing. I’m hoping to take some pictures of it filled with Re-ment sweets~ And have my PureNeemo girls join in on the fun. Also want to make a display in my room using the case, the cafè set and my PureNeemos~

    Looking forward to seeing~ I’m hoping I’ll be able to get my hands on a DD one day. They are so pretty. I have been knitting for my PureNeemos and I have started learning how to sew some clothes for them as well. Just need to get my hands on some more fabric so I can sew some more.


    • Fourth time is the charm! XD

      I love Magi! It’s one of my favorite ongoing series as of late. I’m not a regular manga reader either, but Magi and Attack on Titan are ones I follow. I REALLY hope there’s a third season.
      As for figures, Mor was a must for me, but the other characters who I’d like probably won’t be made into figures ^^’

      That sounds so cute *_* I should try to build rooms for my girls.

      Having a DD was one of those unattainable dreams of mine(since I always thought you’d have to pay like a $1000 for one), so it’s weird to almost have one.
      Sewing doll clothes is lots of fun, and it’s cool watching your own improvements. I’m sure you’ll like it!
      I love going to the fabric store, but most of my fabric is actually “recycled”. I take apart a lot of old clothing. It’s not always pretty, but hey!


  2. Sorry for the spam but my message seems to get cut off ^^;; So I’m trying to post as new post instead of a reply. Just delete the other ones if this works ^^;;
    Ummm…. why did my message get shortened ^^;;;
    I really love her and Magi~ That show was just my cup of tea >www<


  3. You got Morgiana >w< I want that figure so bad. Hope I'll be able to get her sometime soon.

    I got that Re-Ment table not so long ago and I love it. Got the display case as well. I really love Re-Ment stuff and I have quite a "few" sets now ^^;;

    I would really recommend getting some, they work great with the PureNeemo girls. You could also just get a few separate sets for quite cheap on ebay. Then you can just get the things you want, and you can start small too see how you feel about the Re-Ment stuff ^w^

    Also looking forward to seeing you finished DD~ Her face-up looks good and I can't wait to see her finished~


  4. OMG Dolls! Too bad, I don’t care enough all that much about statues anymore. She’s nice, but I’ve never heard oh her before. I didn’t get much this month, but next month is a lot. Can’t believe you’re making all these reviews now, that’d be like 5 in a month, is that some sorta record XD.


    • Mor is a cool character~ I’ll of course write more about her in the review =P
      Next month for me has two figmas(if neither get delayed) and…more doll stuff XD

      It’s the weather. I’m 1000% more productive at the beginning of summer.
      Actually when I first started, there was one week where I had a review every day XD


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