Vibrant Spring Ayesha

Uhuhuhu I have returned to dump some photos!

But let’s have a little life update! After a full year of trying business, I switched my college major back into art. Art still makes me unsure sometimes, but frankly, I was miserable in business. I still think that I would have done well could I have gotten to the creative type classes, but business was very frustrating because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t do well, and perhaps more importantly, I couldn’t make myself care about anything. I have at least always been a good student, but this past year was just…bad. Failing an intermediate accounting midterm threw me off the edge, and I decided to essentially go crawling back to the art department. It was a hard decision to face because I had told myself for so long that leaving art was the right thing to do. But as soon as I resigned myself to returning to art…I felt better. A LOT BETTER. Better than I had felt in a long long time. Focusing on business classes meant I had to give up a lot of things I usually did(like this blog) which is fine and understandable, but I soon came to realize that practicing creative things is more a part of me than I had realized. Through that year, I never stopped looking at and admiring art because that’s what I’ve always done, but it started to make me very sad. I still wanted artistic fulfillment, but had resigned myself to not having it. Now, I’m not saying that choosing one thing means you can’t have the other or that people of one mind can’t be of another. But for me PERSONALLY, it was not a good thing.

SO I have returned to the creative side of things, and now that I see it is more important to me than I had realized, I am taking it more seriously! Previously, I didn’t think of myself as an artist because I am not good at drawing and painting. And while that still frustrates me, I’ve begun to immerse myself in the kind of art I am good at! This includes crafting which my passion for was reignited through cosplay. I’ve also begun doing things like making felt dolls and paper art. It’s been very fun and fulfilling! Figures have taken a back seat for a long time because I have not been financially able to support this hobby. I do miss it though, and I now have the incentive to give it more attention, so I’m not making any promises about coming back to this blog in full force, but just wanted to talk about what’s changed with me. And thank you to anyone who has stuck around after a year of intermittent silence.

Also, I am much more active on other sites! My Instagram tipsy_scales is for all of my crafts and photos and such. I’m also on twitter as Tipsy_Scales which still has updates on what I make, but also a fair bit of retweeting fan art. My tumblr Yam1Usag1 updates my figure photos only and is about as active as this blog.

Ahaha now that that’s all out of the way, let’s move on to the photos!


This is a rather simple photoset. I’ve been trying to stray from my “comfort angles”. ayesha2

ayesha3 ayesha4

*phew* Thank you for looking!
…and reading!

2 thoughts on “Vibrant Spring Ayesha

  1. Would you be willing to sell her some day? I know that’s almost rude of me to ask but I cannot find her for sale anymore and I got into the franchise too late. Ayesha is my ultimate favourite character in the Atelier series and she shares the same name as me only mine is spelled a little different. Aisha. Anyway if you know of anyone who owns one and is parting with it I’m willing to buy ^^ and I live in Ireland. Thanks.


  2. I’m going to tell you what I’ve been telling my little brother; Always, no matter what, do what you want in life. If art is something you want to study and make a living out of, then go for it. The only thing is, Art may not always be a good source for funding. So it’s always good to have something to fall back on.

    For you, it could be business since you’ve got a little bit of background with. Maybe you’ll get in to some thing else. Either way, have something to fall back to. My little bro has chosen to be a mechanic since he LOVES cars almost as much as he LOVES drawing and designing.

    I hope this was lecture-ish… the goal is to ultimately do what you want in life, just be sure there’s a back up plan to help put bread on the table 🙂


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